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Dream. Challenge. Succeed.

Mirboo North Primary school is committed to providing every child with the opportunity to achieve and experience success. Such successes can be measured through value adding to an individual’s needs.
Curriculum delivery is strongly based on assessing a student’s strengths and working both academically and socially towards achieving strong outcomes for students.

Our curriculum covers the Victorian Essential Learning Standards from prep to grade 6. Learning becomes sustainable, innovative and builds strong community links for members of the school community.
Our core curriculum is enhanced by:



Dive Right In

School production, visiting artists and theatre groups, performers, guest speakers, artists and displays, competitions. Instrumental musical tuition for various instruments is available via the secondary college.



Fun and Challenging

Including coaching and team participation in football, soccer, cricket, netball, swimming, cross country, athletics, basketball and PE lessons. A daily stay fit program is also maintained by students. Swimming - Prep-Grade 2 students have a six week water familiarisation program which runs in Term 4 every year. Grades 3-6 attend an intensive swimming program in the first few weeks of Term 1. We support the students who make it through to the zone finals and state finals in both athletics and swimming. We also enter teams in a number of inter-school competitions.



Caring for our Community

Social services including student raised funds to support identified charities, visits to the local elderly people's home. 

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A Real World Experience

The school's camping program enables students to further their learning and inter-personal development in a non-school setting. Camps are planned as an integral part of the curriculum. All grades plan one major excursion each year related to their course of study. Minor excursions are also planned where they are appropriate to the development of the curriculum.
Grade Prep/1 - after school activity including a meal at school
Grade 2 - overnight camp
Grade 3/4 - adventure camp - two nights in dormitory style accommodation
Grade 5/6 - camp directly related to curriculum - may be up to four nights
Grade 6 - two night Melbourne camp and end of year one night Wilsons Promontory camp

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Caring for our Students

Educational enrichment activities that may include teacher coaching in ICT, Literacy and Maths, teacher-peer coaching, parent information sessions, perceptual motor program, kitchen garden, special needs program for children who have a defined need on the educational spectrum, ICT, Art and PE programs.



Happy Balanced Kids

It is will documented that children only reach their full educational potential when they are happy, healthy, resilient and safe, and when there is a positive school culture that is fair and respectful to engage and support learning.  For this reason we are a Be You School which provides us with some methods, tools and support to work with parents, carers, health services and the wider community, to nurture happy and balanced kids.



Social and Emotional Skills

PaTHS is a program that targets the development of social and emotional competence in order to build children's protective factors and decrease the risk of behavioural and social problems. It is designed to promote social and emotional competence, prevent violence, aggression and other behavioural problems, improve critical thinking skills and enhance the classroom climate.

To find out more information about our curriculum, please contact our office on (03) 5668 1375.

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